Together P90X Forever
Monday, March 21, 2011
Blogging Slacker
So I have been slacking on blogging, but not on working out. Wednesday night after work I got myself to do the Shoulders, arms and Tricep work out...I really like this work out...I have it memorized by now so I actually watch TV while I do it...It is a hard work out because you are working muscles but it's not cardio hard...I really like Wednesdays...Thursday is a cardio is suppose to be the yoga day, but I really don't like yoga so I just do cardio that day...I always have volleyball on Thursday nights but I will still work out too, however, this past Thursday I ended up playing 2 games in a row and they were very active games so I decided I was ok not to work out...Friday I will be honest I did not do :(...I got busy and never fit it in...but I did do the Friday legs and back work out with abs on Saturday...I like that work out too...and I seriously am still sore afterwards...and this is round 2 for me...but I love the sore feeling...Sunday I took a day off and relaxed...I know I said I was going to do better at stretching and I will...but this Sunday I took off:)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Day 2 Plyometric Butt Kicking
Ok so if you have been reading this blog, you know this isn't my first round of P90X...Then why is it that plyometrics STILL kicks my butt...because it is a damn good work out that's why...Plyometrics really is that love/hate work out...I hate hurting so bad, but I sure love how I feel when it is all over with...I'm always sweaty afterward so I know I got a good cardio work out...So my work out didn't happen in the morning like I was aiming for...I still haven't done well with this daylight savings thing...its just too dark in the morning still...I did get myself to work out after volleyball though so it did happen...I did all but the bonus round...I skipped the bonus because I did play a hard volleyball game just before so I figured I was ok to skip the bonus round...I did pretty good on my eating...I still have a few sweets but for the most part I watched what I ate...sweets are the only hard thing for me, but I'm sorry there is no way realistically I can give it up for forever so instead I am just learning to moderate it...I did SUCKY on my water...I don't know how to drink enough water...I just gag at the thought of it unless I'm wayyyy thirsty...I need to figure out something for that.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Round 2 Day 1
So day 1, only 89 more to I had great plans for waking up early to get my work out in before getting my 3 kids ready and off to the babysitters so I could go to work...unfortunately, yesterday was daylight savings time and so we were all thrown off...I didn't even go to bed until midnight so waking up at five, which is technically 4, was just not going to happen...but I did decide to do my work out right when I got home and I did stick to that plan... As far as my work out goes I would rate myself an 8 for the effort I put in and how I pushed myself...I don't feel like I completely maxed out on every move, but I did work myself right rotator cuff(sp?) was really starting to hurt me during this work out during the push ups...I really hope this goes away...I did the ab routine and probably could have really pushed myself harder on abs, but I really hate abs...but I did do it and that is the main thing...As far as my eating today goes...i did pretty well...I would say I eat well for the most part, unfortunately, I am a sugar my work there is candy and junk food everywhere...chips don't tempt me much, but oh my heck...I love candy and sugar...and for some reason if I even let myself have just one tiny M&M, I just can't's like my body just craves more and more and I almost find myself wandering to the breakroom without even thinking just to have another sugar shot...I didn't do as horrible as some days, but I did have some sugar at work...I did well on everything else as far as eating goes...but like I said, I eat pretty healthy for the most part anyway...I didn't do so great on my water consumption..I probably only had about 35 oz...I will work on this tomorrow...My workout plan for tomorrow is to get up at 5 and do the Plyometric work out...I really have to do this because I work all day and tomorrow evening I have a volleyball game at 6...then after the game it's dinner and putting kids to bed which is a LONG procedure...I really have to get up early to do my work out or it may not happen and I am not going to fail on day I guess this means I better get myself into bed very soon so that I can wake up...I'm just going to go to bed with the thought in my head, "I will get up...I will get up...I WILL GET UP!"
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Plan for Round 2
It's been almost a year since my husband and I finished our first round of P90X...Although I have still continued to watch what I eat and work out...I haven't been as hard core as I was that first round...My husband and I have decided that we wanted to do another full round of P90X...since my husband and I have different goals (he is gaining and I am losing) our plans may be a little different...My goal is to eat small meals throughout the day...and to stay at 1500 calories...this means I will go back to tracking my meals and calories on will be sure that no more than 150 calories a day come from sugary foods like candy, ice cream, etc...I will eat more fresh vegetables and fruits...whole grains and chicken and seafood...I will continue with my smoothies and protein shakes...I will also be sure to drink enough water daily...My husband will continue to eat healthy but will add to his diet protien shakes...As far as working out goes...I will work out every day...I am not a huge fan of the yoga and kenpo work outs so instead of doing them I will agree to do Cardio x on the Yoga days and a one hour Insanity work out on the Kenpo days...I will also do the ab ripper work out after EVERY weight lifting day...For some reason this is hard for me to want to do...but I am doing it...I have noticed what a big difference that makes...I agree to journal every day of Round 2 to talk about my work out and my eating for the day...this way I am held accountable...I also will post pictures at the beginning, 30day, 45 days, and 90days...I promise to only weigh myself one time per week. This will be Sunday morning every week...and I will record it on this blog....P90x is a great work out and I am looking forward to doing it again...Here comes Round 2:)
Round 1 Before and After
Here are our before and after pictures for round one....When I took mine I didn't think I would be showing them to anyone so I just did them in my bra and this is a bit embarassing...but in order to really see how well P90X worked for us I had to show the before pics...just pay more attention to the afters:)
January 2010
April 2010
January 2010
Our P90X Adventure
So last year my husband and I got the P90x dvd's...We started our first round of P90X in January 2010 and ended in April...My husband and I have been married for 7 years...and in those 7 years I have always weighed at least 2lbs more than him...It never mattered what I did, I never seemed to be able to weigh less than him...If I lost weight-so did he...I have always been into cardio for my work outs...I never did much with weight training...I use to go to the gyms and work out with my friends...but it seemed that all we did was talk more than work out...which is probably why we were all still fat months later...I would use a few of the weight machines, and I knew a few weight lifting moves, but I wasn't educated enough in the gym to feel confident that my weight lifting made a I just stuck with Cardio, but I really wasn't able to lose a lot of weight...with P90X Tony teaches you how to weight lift and all you have to do is push play and follow along and you will get the body you have always wanted...When I got my husband P90X in Christmas of 2009, I did not plan to do it with him...some friends of our had also recieved the P90X for Christmas as well and they decided to do it together...they asked me to do it, but I refused...after a little convincing from my husband I decided to do it with them...and wow am I glad I did...When I started my first round I was 5'7" and weighed 164 pounds...When I started P90x within the first month I noticed I was gaining weight...I actually gained 5 pounds...I was really frustrated, but decided to continue for the full 90 the end of 90 days I weighed 155 lbs and went from a size 13/14 to a 9/10...I was so proud of myself and I felt like I looked better than I ever had, including high school..infact way better than high school...My husband has always been thin...You can see definition all over him, but he wanted to use P90x to get bigger...and bigger he did get...He went from weighing 162 pounds up to 172 pounds...he looked bigger, his shirts were tighter and you could see he had a lot more confidence...When we were doing P90X we didn't follow Tony's eating plan per se...I did a lot of calorie counting using and eating 6 small meals a husband who was trying to gain weight did a lot of eating, but not bad things...we also finished all of our workouts with a protein smoothie that we would make from frozen berries, light vanilla yogurt, milk, OJ and protein powder....they are soooooo good!...Since last April I have kept up with my working out...not as hard core as the 90 days but I still make sure I work out most every day with some sort of cardio or weight lifting...I have been able to maintain my weight loss very easily...this plan was way better than any starving diet or pills...I have done all those before and never was able to keep the weight off after stopping...with P90X and the calorie counting you learn a new lifestyle, not a diet plan...My husband hasn't done much working out since we ended our 90 days, but he has been able to keep his weight on and he still looks great...Because we enjoyed P90X so much this last time we wanted to do another round this year...I wanted to start this blog for myself to give me some motivation and to help me along the 90 days and for my own diary of success, but also to help any others who may be looking for P90X information or motivation...I am always referring my friends to do P90X...I truly believe in this system...I hope this blog can help some others inspire to take the challenge!
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